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How Would You Like to Attend Our 3 Day Virtual Event (From the Comfort of Your Own Home)

And ONLY Pay AFTER the Event, If You Feel Like It’s Worth It?

From: Peng Joon

Entrepreneurs (Both With & Without Event Experience) Are Reporting Making More Money In A Single Weekend Following the Virtual Event Codex Than They Did The Entire Previous Year! 

It’s TRUE. 

Events have been making a few folks very, very wealthy for a long time.

Real estate investing seminars › Estate planning conferences › Book writing workshops. 

All are common examples of live events that have been happening for decades… giving the event hosts massive opportunities to cash in on the crowds that came flocking…

Before, you’d need to have a broad offer to a large audience to make the expenses of hosting live events worthwhile, and most importantly, profitable.

But, recently we’ve seen a shift

Something happened that has pretty much killed off live events.

I don’t need to say it but you and I know that live events will never be the same again…

From: Peng Joon

Entrepreneurs (Both With & Without Event Experience) Are Reporting Making More Money In A Single Weekend Following the Virtual Event Codex Than They Did The Entire Previous Year! 

It’s TRUE. 

Events have been making a few folks very, very wealthy for a long time.

Real estate investing seminars › Estate planning conferences › Book writing workshops. 

All are common examples of live events that have been happening for decades… giving the event hosts massive opportunities to cash in on the crowds that came flocking…

Before, you’d need to have a broad offer to a large audience to make the expenses of hosting live events worthwhile and, most importantly, profitable.

But, recently we’ve seen a shift

Something happened that has pretty much killed off live events.

I don’t need to say it but you and I know that live events will never be the same again…

How do I know this?

I used to speak in live events like crazy…

How do I know this?

I used to speak in live events like crazy…

When the lockdown happened, I was in Poland doing my event and was told that I had 24 hours to leave the country or else I would be stuck in that country for at least another 30 days as borders would be closed.

When the lockdown happened, I was in Poland doing my event and was told that I had 24 hours to leave the country or else I would be stuck in that country for at least another 30 days as borders would be closed.

I decided to cancel the event and refund the participants…

Understanding that LIVE Events would be dead… I decided to pivot… In the month of May 2020, when pretty much the rest of the world was on lockdown, we still maintained sales of over $1MM that month...

It can truly be the best of times or the worst of times.

Would you like to guess where those spikes in sales came from?

That’s right…

Virtual Events.

I’ve come away with a few lessons from:

  • Spending literally millions of dollars of my own money to host these events
  • Learning MANY hard lessons along the way
  • Rightfully charging $50,000+ to show others how to do events like this, which is actually worth much more
  • ​Literally cracking the code on running a profitable live event… which can be replicated in ANY niche and location

… plus, it’s NOT hard.

(which I’m going to show you, in detail):

Yep, it’s that simple.

Keep reading because before the end of this page I’m going to walk you through all 3 steps so you can see EVERYTHING you need to launch your Keynote Speaker lifestyle… travel the world and Get invited to speak at events across the world

… even if you’ve never been on stage before, or are nervous about being on stage

While I know speaking in front of 100 to over 1,000 people can seem intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before, what if you chose the topic and flow that you are really excited about? or the one you are an expert at?

Do you think you could just find out what you want to talk about as a start? (I’ll even show you how at the event).

Can you reveal the best things you know in your area of expertise to a group of 10 people, and charge them just 10,000 INR for a seat to attend? (Yep, you can and I’ll make sure of it)

It’s seriously that easy. 

After you did that, do you think you’ll eventually have the confidence to maybe do an event of 20 people? (Yep you will)

I don’t know about you, but those who follow my lead make more money off of their weekends and events than most make their entire YEAR slaving away all 5 days of the week. 

(And virtual events are a whole heck of a lot more fun and fulfilling, trust me!)

Let’s face it. 

You already know the value of being a brand, I don’t need to sit here and try to persuade you on that.

You also know there’s nothing else like it. 

You get the best of both worlds.

How Would You Like to Take My Last Decade of Experience of Doing THIS:

… And Turning It Into THIS:

Imagine doing this from home… no fancy tech, laptop stacked on top of a bunch of books with a decent mic… while doing it in your underwear! (if that’s your thing)

You don’t HAVE to go with a low-tech setup… high end works too… either way, don’t allow the tech to be the thing that’s keeping you stuck…

How would you like me to show you EVERYTHING you need to do to become an Authoritative Speaker in YOUR business, plus give you ALL the tools you need (already done)… withOUT paying me 50,000 INR to walk you through everything?

“If you’re looking to do events, drive traffic, sell products, I highly recommend working with Peng Joon”

– Russell Brunson

“Not only myself but I had my director of events go through Peng Joon’s system. I don’t recommend a lot of people but this system, I highly recommend.”

– Dan Lok

Think of it as the Speaker program of speakers…

Well, it’s for what we call the 1% of Incredibles

  • It’s for those who feel like voice can be a force for good… and that they want to use it to change the world…
  • It’s for those who know they NEED to adapt their company online, impact their customers' lives, and provide for their loved ones.
  • The ones who get excited to learn about virtual events, marketing, and modeling what someone who has done it over and over again.
  • ​​Those who want to have more income and impact doing it…

If that sounds like you... then welcome to the 1% of Incredibles, this event was created for YOU!

“I thought I knew about how to throw and monetise live events, but apparently not! I know that I will be able to double our conversions just from what I discovered from Peng Joon.”

- Alex Dee

“Peng Joon just changed my life. I didn’t know how to and where to start and I’m walking away with more confidence than ever before.”

- Alison Prince

“I thought I knew a lot about events… until I came to this one. Peng Joon completely over-delivered and inspired me to bring my A-game even higher than before.”

– Natasha Hazlet

“Peng Joon gave me these super insightful strategies that I’ve never heard anyone teaching… and I’m completely immersed in the world of internet marketing, business development and Peng’s event was absolutely one of the best events I’ve ever attended.”

– James Friel

Normally if you were to attend any of our LIVE events, it is 10,000 INR per person.


(That means, to bring a family of 4 - like mine - it would cost 40,000 INR!)

Oh, and you have flights… hotels… and food costs.

But, since we’re going to be streaming it LIVE into your home, or to your phone…

And because I want your business to THRIVE during these crazy times…

Well, it’s kinda for free… Let me explain:

The conference costs $197 to attend…

BUT… I want to make sure that you LOVE IT BEFORE you pay…

So, this is how it works.

You just put in your credit card numbers to reserve your seat, but you won't be billed ANYTHING YET…

And then AFTER the conference, IF you LOVE IT, and IF it changes your life…

Then do NOTHING, and we’ll bill you the $197 AFTER it’s over.

If so, then we’ll cancel your order, and you will never pay anything.

Cool…! (That way, you only pay if you feel it was worth every penny!)

This is not something that you buy... And then “hopefully you’ll get around to watching it later.” This is a LIVE event... and it's happening for 4 FULL HOURS at these different time zones...

That means you need to block out the time… Take off work…

And come prepared to learn and implement!

Yes! I’m Ready To IGNITE My Business!

*Guaranteed Or You Pay NOTHING!*

Would you pay $197 to learn the secrets of what top event producers are currently doing inside their businesses to adapt and change the worst of times to the best of times?

If you could grab and implement just a handful of principles and use it to sell more of your products, programs, and services... would it be worth it?

Can you even imagine the mistakes I’ve already made, struggled with, learned the ‘hard way’, so that you can avoid them?

Think about this for a second…

This is not something that you buy... And then “hopefully you’ll get around to watching it later.” This is a LIVE event... and it's happening for 3 FULL DAYS at these different time zones...

That means you need to block out the time…Take off work…

And come prepared to learn and implement!

Yes! I’m Ready To IGNITE My Business!

*Guaranteed Or You Pay NOTHING!*

Would you pay $197 to learn the secrets of what top event producers are currently doing inside their businesses to adapt and change the worst of times to the best of times?

If you could grab and implement just a handful of principles and use it to sell more of your products, programs, and services... would it be worth it?

Can you even imagine the mistakes I’ve already made, struggled with, learned the ‘hard way’, so that you can avoid them?

Think about this for a second…

Everything I’ve told you is true, you launch your own virtual live events and make a killing, and send me thank you cards for the rest of your life.

Worst-case scenario? 

You try this out, for some anomaly, it doesn’t work, you get to keep ALL the info/tools/strategies, AND I don’t bill you.

Not bad, right?

So if you’re ready to join us at the Virtual Event Codex LIVE 2021…

Click the button below right now to claim your ticket:

Everything I’ve told you is true, you launch your own virtual live events and make a killing, and send me thank you cards for the rest of your life.

Worst-case scenario? 

You try this out, for some anomaly, it doesn’t work, you get to keep ALL the info/tools/strategies, AND I don’t bill you.

Not bad, right?

So if you’re ready to join us at the Virtual Event Codex LIVE 2021…

Click the button below right now to claim your ticket:

“I’m really excited to take this back to help influence more people. With Peng Joon’s system, there’s nothing left to chance, there’s nothing left undone.”

– Ben Richardson

“Peng Joon is giving you everything you need to make the dream happen.”

– Jamie Cross

“My mind is blown. I learned so much at this event on how to create more sales. I am so glad I attended. Make sure you implement what it is that Peng Joon teaches.”

– Myron Golden

“It’s easy to dismiss the level of deep work that Peng Joon has put in. Peng Joon has a super high level of success but when you couple that with a heart serve people, it the perfect storm of awesomeness.”

- Josh Latimer

©High Ticket Speakers by John Pradeep JL

2022 - All Rights Reserved

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Virtual Event Codex LIVE for? 
This event is for business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers who want to learn how to successfully sell products, programs, and services through virtual events. Regardless of whether you sell digital, physical, or services, the event will walk you through the exact strategies that I’ve personally used when speaking at the world’s largest stages…
What are the dates for the Virtual Event Codex LIVE?
The virtual event will take place for 3 FULL DAYS at these time zones: 

Access to the event is by ticket only and links to each session will be sent out prior to each session.

Can I bring a spouse or business partner?
Absolutely! Every ticket holder will receive access links to the live sessions, which means we can’t control who’s sitting next to you while you watch. So if you have a business partner, spouse, kid, or dog that wants to watch with you, please feel free to bring them along!
What do I need to bring?
You just need to BRING IT. Come ready to learn, come with an open mind and good attitude… and let Peng Joon take care of the rest.
Will the replays be available?
No, there will be no replays.